Become a Member

CISV USA - Building Global Friendship

CISV is a unique, dynamic, global organization that is built upon the volunteer principle and the idea that diversity, inclusion and communication are the basis for peace and understanding.

Located in over 60 countries with tens of thousands of members in age from 1 to 100, you will find that the CISV family will give you a warm welcome. Whether you would like to become a participant in one of our many programmes, join a local chapter or lend your talents to organization and administration; we will be happy to see you.

National Membership's are $50 and extend for a calendar year. If you are interested in a National Membership please mail a check for $50 with your contact information, name, address, phone and email to:

National Membership
1375 Kemper Meadow Suite 9B
Cincinnati, Ohio 45213

Or, send us an email with this information.

Copyright 2010 | CISV USA, CISV International Ltd. | (ph) 513.674.9242 (f) 513.674.9249 | Company Reg. 3672838 | Reg. Charity 1073308
A Member of U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy CISVUSA